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Title: Symbiosis

Technique: Spray and acrylic paint over wall

Size: 4,50 x 10,40 m (Height x width x depth)

Location: Sendero peatonal del centro - calle 30, Palmira, Colombia

Year: 2020


Symbiosis is a disruptive public piece of art that links mixed pictorial media, animation techniques, and augmented reality processes. The design of the artistic piece invites the user (pedestrian) to interact in real-time with the narrative of the work through an application, which can be used through different smart devices such as mobile phones or tablets belonging to the Android or iOS operating systems.


The artistic work represents an artificial landscape that coexists in the middle of the city. Post-natural entities communicate and relate to each other, establishing a space for coexistence open to interpretation. Social acceptance and recognition of another go beyond the limit established by man, positioned in a space in which hybrid and artificial natures coexist on the horizon of the impossible.


This artistic project seeks for the youth and adult public of the city of Palmira to collectively access new knowledge, and actively participate in unconventional artistic processes that generate a disruptive change in the method by which they consume art.


This artistic process became a reality thanks to the sponsorship of the Secretaría de Cultura de Palmira and the collaboration of the following people: Carolina López Duran and Lorena Andrea Portocarrero Vega.

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